StickFit® is an evidence based, whole body training exercise system of layered, integrated activities and techniques, in an aerobically sustained mixed, multi-modality cardio-based format. The goal focus is to stimulate and improve cognitive brain function with multi-dimensional movements and skill patterns, core training and body weight exercises, All moves use rattan sticks as the tool for the entire workout, from start to finish. This neural-targeted workout design, along with the use of the sticks, is what differentiates StickFit® from any other program! We’ve put the Fun with StickFit® drills and skills back into Functional training. The Proprietary StickFit® methodology is the future of contemporary exercise protocols, which targets training the brain as well as the body to enhance both getting more physically strong and brain healthy.

The  StickFit® programs have 6/7/8 multimodal sections for the 30/45/60 minute classes.

StickFit Group can be taught as a qualified Group Fitness Instructor (GFI) and also for Personal Trainers (PT) to specifically utilise for coaching small groups or one-on-one.

StickBlitz™  is “Filipino Fight Flow Combinations”

StickBlitz™ incorporates the traditional strikes of predominately Muay Thai Kickboxing and Boxing, including a multitude of punches, elbows, knees and kicks utilising Filipino sticks. There are also additional Filipino close quarter stick strikes utilising the Punyo (butt end). Our differentiator being that we are holding one or both sticks, while executing all of the StickBlitz™ moves of upper/lower body combos. Our combos flow from one strike into another.

Even with experienced trainers, this becomes a new learned skill with all the added complexity of the stick and further compounded by striking with the butt/punyo of the stick, not with the hands/fists.

Double Sticks is a super fun-filled workout with a partner both interacting with double stick striking patterns.

This program really hones in on improving your ambidexterity and hand-eye coordination, along with many other cognitive benefits! People experience the “Brain Buzz” when working out with sticks as  the stick patterns are in a specific order of complexity to progressively apply cognitive load to the brain, which positively encourages brain adaption and increased neuro-plasticity over time. 

Various footwork is also included which makes for a complete “Brain & Body” workout. We even include a metronome for varied rhythmic striking to the beat together. This program is unique in that it is the only tactile interaction with a partner in the fitness industry.


Single Stick is a fantastic way to learn how to coordinate both sides of your body evenly. Your dominant side will educate your non-preferred side as you continually switch over using both sides for striking patterns with footwork and mixed with working together with a partner. There is also body weight and conditioning exercises that involve passing the stick around with a partner. It’s a fun workout that exercises improving your cognitive and everyday life abilities. 


Group Stick is an awesome team building workout that really creates so much fun while interacting within a group and is like playing games, yet exercising both your brain and body via not only working both sides of your body with various stick striking patterns, but also switching directions, angles with footwork required to move around the different positions to keep the chain of group movement flowing. It makes exercising so much fun and quick while working out in-between others.


Stick Combo is a combination of all the double stick pattern drills (called Sinawalis) with a partner and our StickBlitzô – Filipino fight flow drills.

This creative awesome workout is all inspired by Filipino Martial Arts, not only is it a fun-filled, action packed workout, you are actually learning the movements and techniques of how to defend yourself while  being in a safe and friendly controlled environment.

This high octane workout is a blast! 


CogFit Stick Combo is a fantastic introduction for a double sticks workout in a sequential order to specifically increase cognitively load on the brain to incrementally improve your brain & body connection. This workout will take you through the learning curve of the 12 physical and cognitive benefits, designed to continually stimulate the brain by using stick striking patterns in a specific order. Participants report positive, significant changes in their physical proficiency to accurately use sticks and the ability to multi-task.

Metro Stick utilises an innovative training tool called a Metronome that makes a beep depending on the Beats Per Minute (BPM). The program utilises 120, 150 and 180 PBM to perform various double stick drills with a partner.

Working on your speed and timing by using a Metronome in practice will help to function at a higher pace with less conscious thought. This will greatly improve your sense of timing, speed, flow and accuracy of hitting the same targets continuously. This will also enhance your hand-eye coordination through subconscious learning.

Bodyweight exercises include conditioning moves such as: squats, lunges, push-ups, planks, bridges, crunches etc., from the floor in seated, supine, prone and kneeling all variations which supply the overload challenge to target the same muscles differently. By changing the muscular angle of pull to the joint, direction, plane and continuing to overload with gravitational resistance.

Conditioning Drills are compound movements: multi-joint, multi-muscle, with varying degrees of complexity, kinaesthetic and proprioceptive qualities, intensities, positioning and balance requirements.

The multi-tasking challenge of this workout is uniquely amplified because of the additional use of the sticks for all exercises.